Wednesday, March 5, 2014

God's Divine Providence

My SMART  Journal
Bible reading: Exo. 1-2

S-ignificance: God’s Divine Providence
M-essage: Exo. 2:1-10
                How could God arrange everything in our sinful world when every one of us has his own will? It amazes me how God worked this out, so that Moses’ own mother was the one who was asked to bring him up. She was even paid by Pharaoh’s daughter for this much desired task. Everything in this story was divinely timed and arranged. This is the providence of God. To Him, nothing happens by chance. Nothing is impossible with Him; He can do what He wants to do. He can even move in the lives of people who don’t submit their will to Him.

A-pplication: Through God’s providence I was put into this ministry. I believe that nothing happens by chance. My life was already planned by God before I came into being. He does not commit mistakes, everything is in order.

R-esponse: Lord, thank You because my life and my ministry is not a mistake. In Your providence, I am what I am and I am where You want me to be. It is Your hand that guides me; I know I am not wasting my life. Thank You, Lord, Amen!

T-ext: Exo. 20:1-10

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