Wednesday, March 5, 2014

God's Preparation for His Leader

My SMART Journal
Bible Reading: Exo. 1-2

S-ignificance:  God’s Preparation For His Leader

M-essage: The first forty years of Moses’ life was spent as a prince at Pharaoh’s court. He spent another forty years in the wilderness after this as a shepherd. He had now finished his second forty when God called him to deliver Israel from Egypt. His forty years training as a prince in Egypt was not enough so God had to train him again in the desert. Academic preparation, no matter how good it is, is not enough for a  leader. He needs a spiritual education from God, where his character is molded so that he could stand the different kinds of pressures. Our relationship with God is very important if we are to lead.

A-pplication: People tend to depend on secular education when it comes to leadership. We elect our leaders basing on their degrees and educational attainment. Not so with God; He looks on the character of the man.  As for Moses, he was trained as a shepherd in the desert—a poor employment in people’s eyes, but in God’s sight, it’s the perfect training  for a man who would lead millions of people someday. His training as a simple shepherd in the desert molded his character. Because of this, God was able to use him mightily and the deliverance of Israel was made possible because of the life of this man.

R-esponse: Lord, thank You, that even the sad experiences in my life can be used in molding my character. I give them all to You because You can turn them all for my good. I give You praise, Amen!

T-ext: Exo. 3:1-4

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